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Our Story

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Ekvn-Yefolecvlket owÄ“yat yv ekvnv likat, pum vculvke tate omvlkvt tak-vpokvtes. Wacenv yvmvn yihcet estecatvlke vpokvten hvsaklatkv-fvccvn vpeyecicakvtes.  Montowisen, etvlwv akvwvpkvhanat ohfvccvn resyicepÄ“yvtet os.


Hopuetake mvnettakusan momen este mvnettvlke pum mvhakv, pun fulletv, pum oponvkv emvhayēt svpeyvhanēyat vrahkv vcayecetv kunt fullēt os. Hompetv secvfeknickv hompētayat, cvpofv hayēt, ponvttvn fullicēt, ekvnv vcayecēt fullēt owēs. Pum oponvkv vcayeckv omecicen, este-cate em oponvkv tvlkuset hopuetake semvhayētayat vrahkv mvhakv-cuko mucvsen vlicecēyvtet os. Monkv, nettv-setetayen pum oponvkv etemponahoyēt vpokēt owēs.


Hvtv, cuko ohhayetv ohfvccv, vnrvwv eto svpaklan vpehyēt eto yv ekvnv svpvlsakvte toltēcēt seyvnicēt os; mowen, setentvckv ohlenv-mvpe svtahe-eshakan tohvpohyēt, ekvnv fakke-cate, pvhe tis, oktaha tis teyvmket setentvckvn sosiyēt, cuko omvlkvn mowet eshahicēt owēs. Cuko estowet hahiceyat ekvnv enokkicekotayat vrahkv pum vkerrickvt ontos. Nak-omvlkv yvmvn hahiceyat, pum vculvke tate enkerretv enhoporenkv tis vhesayēcēt svpeyvhanē monkvt ontowisen, kerretv mucvsakat, ekvnv vcayeckv ohfvvcv, asvpayēpēt fullēt os.


Nettv estofvtis, pum vsostake fullakvhanat, pum oponvkv oponahoyetayat, hompetv secvfeknickv noricaketayat, ekvn-lvste pvtakat vcayecaketayat, pun fulletv vrahkuecÄ“t svpeyvhanat ohfvvcvn Ekvn-Yefolecv Etvlwv akvwvpet owÄ“s ce!  Ekvn-Yefolecvlket owÄ“yat vculvke tate vhakv espunwikakvte, vnokeckv, eyasketv, kvncvpkv, mehenwv etemocet fullÄ“t owÄ“s.

Ekvn-Yefolecv (ee-gun yee-full-lee-juh) is an intentional ecovillage community of Indigenous Maskoke persons who, after 180 years of having been forcibly removed from traditional homelands - in what is commonly/colonially known as Alabama - have returned for the purpose of practicing linguistic, cultural and ecological sustainability.

The term Ekvn-Yefolecv implicitly embodies
a double entendre:
1) Returning to the earth
2) Returning to our homelands


With only a handful of speakers remaining, we are revitalizing the Maskoke language with children through an immersion program in which Maskoke language is the sole medium of instruction, and curriculum centers on traditional agricultural and ecological knowledge.


Designed as a holistic decolonization paradigm shift, residents of the ecovillage are manifesting an off-grid, income-sharing community on 2,100 acres of land with natural building construction, renewable energy and low-tech integrated regenerative systems. We are also reintroducing threatened animal species, culturally significant to Maskoke people, namely buffalo and sturgeon, while growing heirloom crops in a deliberate effort to decolonize our diets.


Ekvn-Yefolecv mandates the revival of Maskoke matriarchy and traditional governance systems, and we practice ethnobotanical conservation, particularly for the preservation of traditional women's knowledge and food foraging.

Ekvn-Yefolecv exemplifies a departure from an extractive economy and engages a collective effort to bring healing to a long abused Earth, as well as to an Indigenous People long inflicted by intergenerational trauma.

The vision of Ekvn-Yefolecv Maskoke ecovillage seeks to serve as an archetype for other Indigenous communities to model for Just Transition to more equitable and linguistically, culturally and ecologically sustainable lifeways.

All photos depicted on this page are of lineal ancestors of Ekvn-Yefolecv residents and are used with permission.

Natural Building & Integrated Systems


Ekvn-Yefolecv is dedicated to coupling traditional Maskoke ecological worldview, which encompasses integrated systems design, with Western regenerative sustainability science.

Regenerative Agriculture


Ekvn-Yefolecv maintains the belief that traditionally agrarian Indigenous societies need to fixate their contemporary lifeways on regenerative agriculture in order to prolong their languages.

Language & Cultural Revitalization

Our Maskoke language is the gateway to our traditional cultural worldview, but with few speakers remaining, we are racing to revitalize it before it falls silent.

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